

The Democratic Republic of the Congo offers several investment opportunities in the agricultural sector from production to marketing, in order to create a competitive value chain in the sub-region.

  • With its exceptional agronomic potential and an area of agricultural land unequalled in Africa, the DRC is able to feed 2 billion people.
  • More than 80 million hectares of arable lands, of which less than 10% are currently exploited. The diversity of climates, supported by an important hydrographic network allows for a wide range of agricultural speculation.
  • The grasslands and savannahs are likely to support a livestock population of around 40 million head of cattle.
  • Tropical forests, which occupy 135 million hectares, or 52% of the territory, constitute an important reserve of biodiversity and developable land.
  • Potential for irrigation is estimated at 4 million hectares, it is currently still modest.
  • The fishing potential, located in the Congolese parts of the Atlantic Ocean, the Congo River and all the lakes, is estimated at 707,000 tons of fish per year.


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WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 1.22.10 PM

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