The central bank of Congo, that trade balance shows 6.55% of gross domestic product surplus aganist3.22% as observed in October, the last week of November.

This development explains the more pronounced increase in exports over imports ,in a context of rising world prices for export products,

This indicates the economic situation report of this issuing institution held from 22 to 26 November this year. The world prices of basic products of interest to the Congolese economy have evolved in a disparate manner.


Copper trading at 9,850.00 per tons as prices were up 3.75%on a weekly note . The value of gold was down 4.04%week over week ,to $1,790.32 an ounce. Cobalt price remained at its level of last week ,trading at 61,302.43 USD.It should be noted that cobalt price is an on an upward trend ,due to its growing demand for the production and storage of renewable energies.


The price of the barrel of oil has fallen by 3.08% per week to 79.62USD, prospect of the possible increase in supply in the London market. Rice prices fell by 0.96%to $318.32 while the wheat prices fell by 0.78% to $303.49.They are on an upward trajectory ,explained by robust global demand as well as concerns about the harvest in the growing areas with the quality .


Execution of the financial operation’s of the state resulted in a surplus of 172.8 billion CDF ,reflected in a level of revenue of 808.2billion CDF and expenditure of 635.4billionCDF.

Public revenues ,were mobilized at 90% of their monthly forecast with the close of this fiscal month in November ,the level of revenue is expected to increase .with regard to public expenditure ,an adjustment effort was made during the month of November compared to the last 2 months (September and October).The expenses were executed at 68%of their forecasts

The market treasury raised CDF45.0 billion against a monthly treasury bill forecast of CDF 60.0 billion.

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