The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector has remained without an updated sector strategic framework since the last Sector Policy Document (DPS) defined in 2009. At the regional and international level, the DRC must respond to the challenges of growing its tele – density and its ICT penetration rate.

Due to these challenges the government recently launched the “National Digital Plan” initiative. This plan is based on 4 strategic pillars: Infrastructures, Content, Application uses, Governance – Regulation.

The emphasis is on the following:

  • The establishment and modernization of infrastructure;
  • Extension of telecom coverage and digital access;
  • Securing channels and access to digital content;
  • The digital transformation of administrations and businesses;
  • Operation of financial technology platforms;
  • Improvement of human capital;
  • Production, promotion, hosting and safeguarding of national content;
  • Monitoring and ownership of digital technological progress;
  • Digital promotion through public policies.


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WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 1.17.39 PM
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 1.22.10 PM

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